Art and Science are creative endeavors.
We believe they can make each other better.
Collaborations and Experiences
Class Exchanges
We engage in discussions about our practices for generating questions and testing hypotheses with art students (and they with us!). We discuss how different the two fields are, and yet how similar many of our processes can be.
Roundhouse Residency
We spent two weeks in Sisters, OR with our artists in residence - Michelle Swinehart and Michelle Illuminato of Portland State University - exploring how creative processes in art practice can help scientists view their projects through new and more creative lenses. How can we ask the best questions? How can we engage the public in impactful ways? Listen to selected excerpts from field interviews between M. Swinehart and J. Cornelius below (edited and produced by M. Swinehart).
Thank you Roundhouse Foundation!
Storytelling through music
We craft songs that tell stories about the trials and tribulations of fieldwork, biology love stories and life in general to share with our audiences. Music brings emotion to our stories and helps us connect with each other. Listen to "Biology Love Song" by Jamie Cornelius below (produced and mastered by Sage Jarvie).