
Perry,L.R., Kelble, R.L., Brewer, V.N., Christensen, C.E., Kerstens, M.E., Owens, T.M., Sampognaro, M.A., Zahor, D.L., Zitomer, R.A., Austin, S.H., Cornelius, J.M., Dinkins, J.B., Frey, S.J.K., Frisinger, C.E., LeQuier, S.M., Lundblad, C.G., Oskowski, J., Perlman, H.R., Price, W.J., Rich, R., Ruth, K.A., Schroeder, V.M., Szabo, S.B., and J.W. Rivers (2024) Ten simple rules for implementing a wildly successful field season. PLOS Computational Biology 20.6 (2024): e1012189

Zahor, D.L., Glynn, K., Majestic, B. and J.M. Cornelius (2024). You are what you eat: urban soil lead predicts American robin (Turdus migratorius) blood lead in Flint, MI. Urban Ecosystems (2024): 1-10

Cornelius, J.M., Vernasco, B.J., Mori, N. and Watts, H.E. (2024) Response to food restriction, but not social information use, varies seasonally in captive cardueline finches. Integrative and Comparative Biology (2024): icae016

Vernasco, B. J., Cornelius, J. M., & Watts, H. E. (2024). Food and social cues modulate reproductive development but not migratory behavior in a nomadic songbird, the Pine Siskin. Ornithology, ukae006.

Gonzalez-Gomez, P. L., Villavicencio, C. P., Quispe, R., Schwabl, P., Cornelius, J. M., Ramenofsky, M., Krause, J. & Wingfield, J. C. (2023). Perspectives on environmental heterogeneity and seasonal modulation of stress response in neotropical birds. Hormones and Behavior152, 105359.

Watts, H.E. and Cornelius, J.M. (2023) Toward understanding the endocrine regulation of diverse facultative migration strategies. Hormones and Behavior, 158 (2024): 105465.

Cornelius, J.M. (2022) Advance social information allows red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) to better conserve body mass and intestinal mass during food stress. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289 (1975), 20220516.


Vernasco, B.V., Cornelius, J.M., and H.E. Watts (2022) Social information use in migratory decision-making depends upon conspecific state. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology76(9), 130. 


Bajracharya, S.S., Zahor, D.L., Glynn, K.J., Gratz, L. and Cornelius, J.M. (2022) Feather mercury concentrations in omnivorous and granivorous terrestrial songbirds in Southeast Michigan. Ecotoxicology,


Chmura, H.E., Schultz, E.M., Brazeal, K.R., Watts, H.E., MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A., Hahn, T. P., and J.M. Cornelius (2022) Chapter 36: Annual Schedules, in C. Scanes (ed), Sturkie’s Avian Physiology, Elsevier.


Zitomer, R., Karr, J., Kerstens, M., Perry, L., Ruth, K., Adrean, L., Austin, S., Cornelius, J.M., Dachenhaus, J., Dinkins, J., Harrington, A., Kim, H., Owens, T., Revekant, C., Schroeder, V., Sink, C., Valente, J., Woodis, E., and Rivers, J.W. (2022) Ten simple rules for getting started with statistics in graduate school. PLOS Computational Biology, 18 (4), e1010033.

Jetz, W., Tertitski, G., Kays, R., Mueller, U., Wikelski, M. and supporting authors (2022) Biological Earth observation with animal sensors. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37 (4), 293-298.


Names, G.R., Schultz, E.M., Krause, J.S., Hahn, T.P., Wingfield, J.C., Heal, M., Cornelius, J.M., Klasing, K.C., and Hunt, K.E. (2021). Stress in paradise: effects of elevated corticosterone on immunity and avian malaria resilience in a Hawaiian passerine. Journal of Experimental Biology, in press.


Cornelius, J. M., Hahn, T. P., Robart, A. R., Vernasco, B. J., Zahor, D. L., Glynn, K. J., Navis, C. & Watts, H.E. (2021). Seasonal Patterns of Fat Deposits in Relation to Migratory Strategy in Facultative Migrants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution9, 419.

Wurtz, M. C., Cussen, V., & Cornelius, J. M. (2021). The effects of food limitation on behavior, corticosterone, and the use of social information in the red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). Animal Cognition, 1-13.

Chmura, H.E., Schultz, E.M., Brazeal, K.R., Watts, H.E., MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A., Hahn, T. P., and J.M. Cornelius. (2021) Chapter 36: Annual Schedules, pps X-X, in C. Scanes (ed), Sturkie’s Avian Physiology, Elsevier.

Bradley, D.C., Wurtz, M., and J.M. Cornelius (2020) Recovery of hematocrit and fat deposits varies by cage size in food-restricted captive red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 333(9): 670-680.


Schultz, E.M., C.E. Gunning, J.M. Cornelius, D.G. Reichard, K.C. Klasing and T.P. Hahn (2020) Patterns of annual and seasonal immune investment in a temporal reproductive opportunist. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287: 20192993.


Schultz, E.M., J.M. Cornelius, D.G. Reichard, K.C. Klasing, T.P. Hahn (2018) Innate immunity and environmental effects on Haemoproteus prevalence and intensity in an opportunistic breeder. Parasitology 145 (11): 1388-1399.


Cornelius, J.M., G. Perreau, V.R. Bishop, J.S. Krause, R. Smith, T.P. Hahn and S.L. Meddle. (2018) Social information changes stress hormone receptor expression in the songbird brain. Hormones and Behavior 97: 31-38.


Hahn, T.P., Cornelius, J.M. and G.E. Bentley (2018) Chapter 8: Endocrinology, pp 200-241 in M.L. Morrison, M.L., A.D. Rodewald, G. Voelker, M.R. Colón, and J.F. Prather, eds. Ornithology: Foundation, Critique, and Application. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.


H. Watts, J.M. Cornelius, A. Fudickar, J. Perez, M. Ramenofsky. (2018) Understanding variation in migratory movements: a mechanistic approach. General and Comparative Endocrinology 256: 112-122.


Zylberberg, M., Derryberry, E.P., Breuner, C.W., Macdougall-Shackleton, E.A., Cornelius, J.M., and T.P. Hahn. (2015) Haemoproteus infected birds have increased lifetime reproductive success. Parasitology 142(8): 1033-1043.


Hahn, T. P., Brazeal, K.R., Schultz, E.M., Chmura, H.E., Cornelius, J.M., Watts, H.E. and S. A. MacDougall-Shackleton. (2015) Chapter 36: Annual Schedules, pp 847-867 in C. Scanes (ed), Sturkie’s Avian Physiology, Elsevier.

Cornelius, J.M., M. Zylberberg, C.W. Breuner, A.C. Gleiss and T.P. Hahn. (2014) Assessing the role of reproduction and stress in the spring emergence of Haematozoan parasites in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 841-849.

Ho, W.W., S.G. Connolly, P.L. Reynolds, J.M. Cornelius, E.A. MacDougall-Shackleton, M.L. Morton, M.E. Pereyra and T.P. Hahn. (2014) Song exposure during juvenile dispersal in Mountain White-crowned Sparrows. The Auk 131(2): 208-214.

Patterson, S., T.P. Hahn, J.M. Cornelius and C.W. Breuner. (2014) Natural selection and glucocorticoid physiology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 259-274.

Cornelius, J.M., R.D.H. Dingle, H.E. Watts, and T.P. Hahn (2013) Obligate and rich patch opportunism: Evolution and endocrine correlates. General and Comparative Endocrinology 190: 76-80.

Cornelius, J.M., T. Boswell, S. Jenni-Eiermann, C.W. Breuner and M. Ramenofsky (2013) Contributions of endocrinology to the migration life history of birds. General and Comparative Endocrinology 190: 47-60.

Cornelius, J.M. and T.P. Hahn (2012) Evidence for seasonal pre-migratory fattening and increased activity in a nomadic and irruptive migrant, the Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). Ibis 154: 693-702.

Ramenofsky, M., Cornelius, J.M., and B. Helm. (2012) Physiological and behavioural responses of migrants to environmental cues. Journal of Ornithology 153: 181-191.

Cornelius, J.M., Breuner, C.W., and T.P. Hahn (2012) Coping with the extremes:  Stress physiology varies between winter and summer in breeding opportunists. Biology Letters 8 (2): 312-315.

Cornelius, J.M., Perfito, N., Zann, R.A., Breuner, C.W., and T.P. Hahn. (2011) Physiological trade-offs in self-maintenance: Plumage molt and stress physiology in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2768-2777.

Cornelius, J.M., Breuner, C.W., and T.P. Hahn. (2010) Under a neighbor's influence: public information about food affects hormones and behavior of a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 2399-2404.

Hahn, T.P., Watts, H.E., Cornelius, J.M., Brazeal, K.R. and S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton. (2009) Evolution of environmental cue response systems: Adaptive variation in photorefractoriness. General and Comparative Endocrinology 163: 193-200.

Hahn, T.P., Cornelius, J.M., Sewall, K.B., Kelsey T.R., Hau, M., and N. Perfito. (2008) Environmental regulation of annual schedules in opportunistically-breeding songbirds: Adaptive specializations or variations on a theme of white-crowned sparrow? General and Comparative Endocrinology 157: 217-226.

Breuner, C.W., Lynn, S.E., Julian, G.E., Cornelius, J.M., Heidinger, B.J., Love, O.P., Sprague, R.S., Wada, H. and B.A. Whitman. (2006) Plasma binding globulins and the acute stress response. Hormone and Metabolic Research 38(4): 260-8.